Life's Journey


After moving in my new place and trying to unpack as much as I could, I realized that it's gonna take me a lot longer than I thought... Angel is just not helping at all! =) It might take me a year! OK, maybe less...hopefully in a week or 2...'cause I have to start creating again! I have a craft show in September...

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Life's Journey


Yes!!!So, we closed last week (on Monday)...had some problems...but finished moving everything last Sunday!Now I have to finish unpacking...And I don't really have internet right now...so, if I take a while to respond...please, forgive me =) ...

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Life's Journey


Well...So we closed this Monday...got the keys...went to the new house and...the locks had been changed!We couldn't get in and started making phone calls...Apparently, someone had order the lock change and to make it worse...they also winterized our place...it's not even winter anymore! =)I was supposed to be in the new house/studio by now!!! AHHH! ...

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Life's Journey


So, I've been packing since May 22nd...I was supposed to close today...and I was supposed to be moving this weekend...But something happened and now we'll be closing next Monday......I'm glad I haven't packed all my craft supplies...still, I can't do much for the craft show in September, nor much on Etsy... =(Oh, well...what are you gonna do? ...

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